Retails Stores & Shop Cleaning

Retails Stores & Shop Cleaning

Retails Stores & Shop Cleaning: covering Edmonton & surrounding areas.

Retail stores are dynamic and have many visitors daily; this is why presentation is important. Cleanliness plays a huge role in creating a great experience for your customers, whether it is having a clean and tidy changing room or attracting potential customers to look at your window display and be tempted to buy what you are selling. It doesn’t matter if you are a fashion outlet, an exclusive boutique shop, a car dealer, (or even a butcher, baker, or candlestick maker), we are here to transform your shop to its former shining glory!

Our Retail Cleaning Services Include:

  • Shop Floors
  • Changing Rooms
  • Staff Rooms
  • Offices
  • Stock Rooms
  • Washrooms, Toilets, and Bathrooms
  • Window Cleaning
  • Floor Maintenance and Carpet Cleaning

We have a flexible schedule and are able to work quickly and efficiently to ensure your premises are at the highest level of cleanliness and able to leave your customers with a positive and pleasant retail experience. We handle contracts of all sizes from little boutique stores to huge supermarkets. All of our cleans are quality assured and we guarantee the highest level of service. We are able to carry out one-off deep cleans or regular maintenance checks, whichever is more suitable for you.

Get Your Free Retails Stores Quote and schedule a service appointment today.

We are a professional cleaning company. Get in touch with us. We can provide your business with superior cleaning services, tailored to your specific requirements. Our well-trained staff makes switching cleaning contracts a simple process. We will produce an accurate and tailored cleaning quote for your Edmonton, Leduc, and St Alber.


Schedule a service appointment



We’ll call you back from an initial chat about your cleaning requirements.

Project Detail

Poppy Kennedy
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor, New York, USA
December 24, 2014